Invited Presentation ABNA - Biobanking: Shaping the Future Together

How we are using bioluminescent mouse models of infection to assess the efficacy of new drug classes against superbugs    (#36)

David Ogunniyi 1
  1. University of Adelaide, Roseworthy, SA, Australia

Infections caused by superbugs pose the greatest threat to global public health in the 21st century. We are at the forefront of worldwide efforts to understand how superbugs cause disease and we are using novel strategies to prevent, treat or use alternative means to combat superbug infections. 

In my presentation, I will describe how we are creatively using advanced light-emitting (bioluminescent) models to track infections in living mice and how this has enabled us to gain insights into treatment and prevention of disease. Our bioluminescent models promote ethical use of animals for research purposes in the context of refinement and reduction of animal use.